Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Rote Armee Fraktion

The Rote Armee Fraktion, also known as the Red Army Fraction, is generally shortened to RAF. In its early stages the RAF was called the Badder- Meinhof group. However, the RAF never used this name for itself. The media was the one that used this nickname for the RAF because they did not want to legitimize their organization. The RAF began in 1970 and lasted until 1998. This group engaged itself in armed resistance against the fascist state.

There were three generations to the Rote Armee Fraktion. The first generation consisted of Badder and his associates. The second generation was during the mid 1970s. Several Socialist Patients' Collective members joined the Red Army Fraction during this time. The third generation was from the 1980s to the 1990s.

On April 20, 1998 the RAF sent and eight page letter declaring the group had dissolved.

Similarities and Differences between terrorist groups today and the RAF

  • Both are very idealistic
  • Want new changes
  • Civilian loss occurs
  • A lot of violence
  • The RAF stayed in their own country
  • The RAF never controlled their own country

Baader- Meinhof Complex

The movie Baader- Meinhof Complex was very confusing for me. The movie I watched had English subtitles so it was a bit confusing reading the subtitles and paying attention to the movie. I liked the idea that the group did something to stand up but this movie, to me, seems to be advocating terrorism which I do not think is correct. This movie was very much an action packed thriller. It was a good movie but I am not a big fan of action movies so I got a little bored at times. There were also a few sad parts in this movie. As the movie went on I took the side of this group. I felt sorry for them because they were continuously trying to beat an enemy much to large and in power.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Why the EU will continue to be a pivotal organization for Germany in the 21st century

  1. The EU unites Germany in that they have other countries to unite with.
  2. The EU is good for Germany in that it gives Germany something to belong to that is good since they have been looked down upon during the world wars.
  3. In the EU the German population does not worry about tariffs or trade wars.  This benefits Germany buy letting them sell their goods at whatever price they want.
  4. The EU allows people from other countries to live in other EU countries freely. This is beneficial for Germany because they have the opportunity to have a larger population.
  5. The EU has people pay taxes in the country that they work, so all the non Germans working in Germany half to pay their taxes to Germany.
  6. If Germany would ever become poor or cannot support itself the EU can help support them.
  7. The EU is a bis sponsor of protecting the environment. Germany benefits from this because their environment then stays clean and protected.
  8. Renewable resources are important in the EU which benefits Germany because they are big into protecting their enivronment.
  9. The EU unites countries so if Germany ever wanted to go off the path and do something globally wrong the EU would stop them, which is good since WWII was not good for Germany.
  10. The EU is a marketplace for other countries to buy German goods which will lead to Germany being very prosperous.
  11. The EU's currency is the Euro. Germany also uses the Euro which allows the Germans to spend their money in other EU countries freely without having to switch currencies.
  12. EU allows Germany to remain a global competitor with the rest of the world.
Work Cited

Specht-Jarvis, Roland. Class Lecture. 8 Nov, 2010.
